தனித்து வாழும் நைட்ரஜனை நிலைப்படுத்தும்
மற்றும் அசோலா என்ற நீர் பெரணியில்
ஒருங்குயிரியாக வாழும் சயனோபாக்டீரியம் எது?
அ) நாஸ்டாக் ஆ) அனபீனா
இ) குளோரெல்லா ஈ) ரைசோபியம்
Stabilizing the living nitrogen
And azolla in water
Which cyanobacterium is a living organism?
A) Nasdaq b) Anapina
C) Chlorella d) Rhizobium
Option (c) Chlorella
Azolla floats on the surface of water by means of numerous small, closely overlapping scale-like leaves, with their roots hanging in the water.
They form a symbiotic relationship with the cyanobacterium Anabaena azollae, which fixes atmospheric nitrogen, giving the plant access to the essential nutrient.
Explanation :
Option (c) Chlorella
Azolla floats on the surface of water by means of numerous small, closely overlapping scale-like leaves, with their roots hanging in the water.
★ They form a symbiotic relationship with the cyanobacterium Anabaena azollae, which fixes atmospheric nitrogen, giving the plant access to the essential nutrient.