CBSE BOARD X, asked by vicithra0, 10 months ago

முன்னுரை - பண்டைய மகளிர் தொழில் வளர்ச்சி - பொருளாதாரத்தில் பங்கு - முடிவுரை.


Answered by Anonymous


Today, if there is an idea spreading across national limitations, it is

women’s claim for equal opportunity and political power.Women are creating

waves in every field but the area where their participation dwindled, was the

country’s political life.

Man and woman are two typical terms representing two particular

human forms, based on organic differences. Nature created these differences for

the progress of the society. Both the sexes were made harmonizing to have a

progeny and thus made equally accountable for carrying out nature’s

domination. But somewhere down the stream of history we started attributing a

lower status to women. In an uncivilized society ‘might’ could have tried to

prove ‘right’ by subjugating the disabled. Woman’s lesser physical strength

could have relegated her to the background. Her involvement as a partner,

mother, housewife, social organizer, preserver of traditions and cultural patterns

and above all as a stabilizer of society was perhaps never realized. With the

passage of time, one could see in an increasing number of women a gradual

sprouting of awareness about their status. Latter half of the twentieth century

saw a revolution in woman’s awareness of their identity, their feelings and

emotions, their roles and requirements.

One of the finest ways to understand the fortitude of a civilization, to

value its excellence and grasp its limitations, is to study the history of the

position and status of women in it. Women and politics form one of the major

research areas today. The history of women is closely interwoven with culture,

society, state and lives of people.

No country or region can claim development in its real sense without the

support, co-operation and involvement of women. The level of civilization of a

country is best judged by the status women enjoy and their participation in the

development of the country. Political empowerment of women is essential to

express the full meaning to the concept of gender development.

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