یه وقتایی یه جایی یه حسی داری...
یه حس پشیمونی از ته دل...
یه وقتایی دلت تنگ میشه واسه روزایی ک بودو قدر ندونستی...
واسه روزایی که بهت پیم میداد میگفت قشنگم و کلی قربون صدقت میرفت دلت تنگ میشه...
تو همون لحظه از خودت بدت میاد با خودت میگی چرا؟!
میگی چراااااا
چراااا داشتیش قدرشو ندونستی؟
حالا که نداریش فهمیدی کیو از دست دادی اره؟
از خودت سوال میکنی این سوالا نابودت میکنن
خیلی سخته هسته و نداریش
کاش بیااااااد بازم اون روزا بیادد
تنگه دلم اخه زیاد
no life
no heart
no soul
bcz u all are fake
my life is full of fake peoples
I AM not Fake ☝ONe....
Just say Me..
wts the problem...
Thank my answwers....Pllllzzz....
I will pray for u to get A Heartfull of lover person I n yor life...
No friend keep smiling
Sometimes you have a feeling somewhere ...
A feeling of regret from the bottom of my heart ...
There is a time when you miss the days you did not appreciate ...
For the days he was giving you, he would say, "I am beautiful, and all the sacrifices of sincerity will be missed. You will miss me ..."
You hate yourself at that moment, you say to yourself why ?!
You say why
Why did you not appreciate it?
Now that you don't have it, do you understand that you lost it?
You ask yourself, these questions will destroy you
It's very hard and you don't have it
I wish that day would come again
I miss you so much