India Languages, asked by achuzzz5566, 8 months ago

സാമൂഹികമായ വിഭാഗീയതകൾക്ക പ്പുറമാണ് തെയ്യത്തിന്റെ ഇടപെടലുകൾ എന്നതിന്റെ തെളിവുകൾ എന്ത്? ​


Answered by skadakash

Sectarianism is a form of prejudice, discrimination, or hatred arising from attaching relations of inferiority and superiority to differences between subdivisions within a group. Common examples are denominations of a religion, ethnic identity, class, or region for citizens of a state and factions of a political movement.

The ideological underpinnings of attitudes and behaviours labelled as sectarian are extraordinarily varied. Members of a religious, national or political group may believe that their own salvation, or the success of their particular objectives, requires aggressively seeking converts from other groups; likewise, adherents of a given faction may believe that the achievement of their own political or religious goals requires the conversion or purging of dissidents within their own sect.

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