Hindi, asked by ayeshabeagum80, 8 months ago

২. ভারতবর্ষের প্রাচীনতম অধিবাসী কারা?
ক) আর্য খ) শক গ) হুন ঘ) দ্রাবিড়​


Answered by samimpapa354


ক) আৰ্য

hope it helps ✨✨____!!!!

Answered by krishna210398


correct choice is B)


The oldest inhabitants of India are taken into consideration to be Negritoes. possibly they were the first of the racial groups that got here to India. They got settled within the hilly regions of Kerala and the Andaman Islands. Kadar, Irula and Puliyan tribes of Kerala resemble to a high-quality extent with the Negritos. they may be related to Africa, Australia and their neighbouring islands. The Negritos have black (dark) pores and skin, woolly hair, huge and flat nose and slightly protruded jaws.


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