Hindi, asked by dear62180, 8 months ago

ਤੋੜ-ਫੋੜ ਦਾ ਅਰਥ ਕੀ ਹੈ? ​


Answered by Ganesh094


Difference between emission and absoroption spectrum

When an atom or molecule excites, it absorbs a certain energy in the electromagnetic radiation; therefore, that wavelength will be absent in the recorded absorption spectrum.

When the species come back to the ground state from the excited state, the absorbed radiation is emitted, and it is recorded. This type of spectrum is called an emission spectrum.

In simple terms, absorption spectra records the wavelengths absorbed by the material, whereas emission spectra records wavelengths emitted by materials, which have been stimulated by energy before.

Compared to the continuous visible spectrum, both emission and absorption spectra are line spectra because they only contain certain wavelengths.

In an emission spectrum there will be only few colored bands in a dark back ground. But in an absorption spectrum there will be few dark bands within the continuous spectrum. The dark bands in the absorption spectrum and the colored bands in the emitted spectrum of the same element are similar.


Limiting line

The Balmer series is the light emitted when the electron moves from shell n to shell 2. So the lowest energy line is emitted in the transition from n3 to n2, the next line is from n4 to n 2 and so on. But the energy does not keep going up as you increase the value of n, because the energies of the orbitals tend to zero for large n. So as n the energy released in moving from n to 2 will tend to a finite limit. This is the limiting line.

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