అబ్రహ్ము పదానికి ననార్థలు
20 November 2016
St XXXXX's School
City Name
Sir / Madam ,
Sub: Request to forgive my mischief (cheating).
Respectfully I beg to state that I have done something which I must not do. I have caught for cheating during examination. I realized my mistake. It happened due to extreme pressure of not being scolded from my parent. Now I am realizing for loss of my self respect. My intention was not wrong . I want to assure you sir that this will not happen again ever in my life. Sir you can deduct my marks for the answer I had copied. To be very honest I will tell the answer noumber that I had copied. .
I therefore request you to forgive me and allow me for examination without cancelling my paper.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely
बगत दडजीकदि ्दजम क्क्च कजजज्क्द ्दज्जल् द्जत् ेदज्च्लक्