Hindi, asked by ishitarudraishu, 6 months ago

પ્રશ્ન -૪(અ) શબ્દ સમહૂ માટેએક શબ્દ લખો.

(૧) જાત સાથેની મથામણ

(૨) નાજુક કેકસબી પગરખાૂં

(૩) ગરુુદ્વારા અપાતો માંત્ર

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Answered by sayyedsahab1244


The product of a number and twelve is seventy-two.

What steps would you take to translate the statement? Check all that apply.

Replace the word "product" with a symbol for division.

Replace the word "product" with a symbol for multiplication.

Replace the words "a number" with a variable to represent an unknown value.

Replace "twelve" with 12.

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