English, asked by s15188babhinavajayka, 3 months ago

Readthetextgivenbelowonthedifferencebetweenfolkdanceandclassical danceandanswerthequestionsthatfollow: Folkdance Classicaldance (1)Folkdancingisasimpledanceform meantforgroupperformancecreatedfora reasonlikeharvestoffood. (2)Basicallyfolkdanceisarecent movementthatvaluesthetraditionaldances ofvariouspeoples. (3)Folkdancesarecommonpeople's dances. (4)Folkdancingisfunnierandfree.It usuallyhasastorylinetothedance. (5)Folkdancesontheotherhandarebased ontraditionswherethepeoplewhodothe dancearenot"professional"dancers. (6)FolkdancesofIndiaareallabout energy,enthusiasmandPower. (7)Therearemorethan30folkdancesin India.Some of the most popular are Kalbelia, Chari, Ghoomer, Fire and KacchiGoriDance. (1)Classicalisforenlightenment.Classical IndiandanceisbasedonNatyaShastra. (2)Classicaldanceisadancethatishighly stylized,intendedforperformance,andusually developedoveralongperiodoftime,oftenfrom whatwetodaywouldcallfolkdances. (3)Generallyitisunderstoodthatclassical danceisdevelopedinthehighsocietycircles. (4)Classicalismoredemanding.Itisusually stricterwithmainlytechnicalaspects. (5)Classicaldancesareperformedby professionalorhighlytraineddancerswhohave studiedtheirform(usually)formanyyears. (6)Classicaldancesaremoreaboutgraceand composure. (7)TodaythereareeightclassicalDancesin India.BharatnatyamofTamilNadu, MohiniaattamofKerala,KuchipudiofAndhra Pradesh,ManipuriofNortheastIndia,Orissi fromOrissa,KathakfromnorthIndia,Sattriya formAssamandKathakalifromKerala. Q.1.Ingeneral,theclassicaldancesareperformedby (a)Expertdancers (b)Commonpeople (c)Localcommunity (d)Farmingcommunity Q.2.Identifythestatementwhichisnotapplicablefortheclassicaldancers- (a)Theyarefullofenergyandenthusiasm. (b)Theyvaluefortraditionandculture. (c)Theyprovideentertainment. (d)Theyareuntrainedartistes Q.3.Inwhichaspectsthefolkdancesarebetterthantheclassicaldances?​


Answered by Anonymous


Classical Dance

  • Classical dances are performed by professional or highly trained dancers who have studied their form for many years.

  • Classical dances are associated with Spirituality.

  • The classical dance originates from Natya Shastra. The 2 basic aspects of Classical dance are Lasya and Tandava.

  • Classical dance is more demanding and is usually strict with technical aspects.

Folk Dance

  • Folk dances are not performed by professional dancers. It is a dance of common people.

  • Folk dance is the kind of dance that is developed by the people reflecting their lives, often to the local music.

  • Folk dance is associated with celebrating agricultural harvest or social gatherings like weddings etc.

  • Folk dancing is funnier and free. Folk dance is based on local stories usually about relationships among people or about different seasons.
Answered by Anonymous


Classical Dance

  • Classical dances are performed by professional or highly trained dancers who have studied their form for many years.

  • Classical dances are associated with Spirituality.

  • The classical dance originates from Natya Shastra. The 2 basic aspects of Classical dance are Lasya and Tandava.

  • Classical dance is more demanding and is usually strict with technical aspects.

Folk Dance

  • Folk dances are not performed by professional dancers. It is a dance of common people.

  • Folk dance is the kind of dance that is developed by the people reflecting their lives, often to the local music.

  • Folk dance is associated with celebrating agricultural harvest or social gatherings like weddings etc.

  • Folk dancing is funnier and free. Folk dance is based on local stories usually about relationships among people or about different seasons.
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