English, asked by donajijoy5962, 3 months ago

தமிழகமக்கள் கால்நடைகளைப் பயன்படுத்தி செய்த‌‍‌‌‍னர்


Answered by ojaswiverma97


The novel Three Men in a Boat, written by Jerome K. Jerome, is a story about a boat trip that J. takes with Thames River and his friends George and William Samuel Harris. The author’s prose is long-winding and digresses into anecdotes or observational passages quite often.

Three Men in a Boat Summary

Three Men in a Boat starts with three friends named Jerome, George, and Harris smoking together in their apartment in London. They are all hypochondriacs and always talk about their illnesses. After doing some research on various diseases at the British Museum, J. somehow concluded that he has all the diseases known to man except for housemaid’s knee. The friends then make a plan of taking a vacation together as it would be good for their health. After some contemplation, they decide to spend a week rowing up the Thames with their dog, Montmorency.

The men then make the necessary arrangements for the trip and choose to bring a cover for the boat and sleep in it, instead of carrying a tent or living at an inn. They make a long list of items but then realize that they ideally need to only carry the essentials. Although they are friends, J. doesn’t really like Harris and compares him at length to J.’s incompetent Uncle Podger. They finally decide to bring a hamper of food, clothing, a methylated spirit stove for cooking and a cover for the boat.

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