India Languages, asked by meenusan1008, 10 days ago

சொர்களைஇணைத்து புதிய சொற்களை உருவாக்குக


Answered by chinchillin


  • smog = smoke and fog.
  • breathalyzer = breath + analyzer.
  • frankenfood = frankenstein + food.
  • bromance = brother + romance.
  • shopaholic = shop + alcoholic.
  • romcom = romance + comedy.
  • brunch = breakfast + lunch.
  • frenemy = friend + enemy.
  • spork = spoon + fork.
  • fortnight = fort + night.

Bollywood (Bombay + Hollywood) - the Indian film industry.

brony (bro/brother + My Little Pony) - male fandom of the My Little Pony series.

biopic (biography + picture) - biographical movie about a real person’s life.

cosplay (costume + roleplay) - hobby in which people (roleplayers) dress up and act as fictional characters offstage.

dramedy (drama + comedy) - a story that has both dramatic and comedic elements.

edutainment (education + entertainment) - entertainment meant to inform its viewers.

infomercial (information + commercial) - advertisement that relays information.

listicle (list + article) - article that features a list of items.

mockumentary (mock + documentary) - a fictional story in the style of a documentary movie.

newscast (news + broadcast) - television or radio show about current events.

Pokémon (pocket + monsters) - popular Japanese animation about fictional creatures that battle each other.

prequel (previous + sequel) - sequel to a film or book that occurs earlier in the fictional timeline than its predecessor.

sitcom (situation + comedy) - narrative comedy story based on a specific situation.

telethon (television + marathon) - continuous televised fundraiser.

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