৫। রবি জম্নের এক বছর থেকেই রক্তশূন্যতায় ভুগছে। ডাক্তারের পরামর্শে প্রতি দুই মাস অন্তর অন্তর রবিকে একবার রক্ত দিতে হয়। তবে আয়রনযুক্ত খাবার দিতে নিষেধ করেন। ক) DNA এর পূর্ণরূপ লেখ । খ) জীনকে বংশগতির ধারক বলা হয় কেন? গ) রবির রােগটির কারন ব্যাখ্যা কর। ঘ) রবির এই রােগ হওয়ার জন্য তার মা-বাবাই দায়ী-উক্তিটির বিশ্লেষণ কর।
Of the 118.5 million blood donations collected globally, 40% of these are collected in high-income countries, home to 16% of the world’s population.
In low-income countries, up to 54 % of blood transfusions are given to children under 5 years of age; whereas in high-income countries, the most frequently transfused patient group is over 60 years of age, accounting for up to 76% of all transfusions.
Based on samples of 1000 people, the blood donation rate is 31.5 donations in high-income countries, 16.4 donations in upper-middle-income countries, 6.6 donations in lower-middle-income countries and 5.0 donations in low-income countries.
An increase of 10.7 million blood donations from voluntary unpaid donors has been reported from 2008 to 2018. In total, 79 countries collect over 90% of their blood supply from voluntary unpaid blood donors; however, 54 countries collect more than 50% of their blood supply from family/replacement or paid donors.
Only 56 of 171 reporting countries produce plasma-derived medicinal products (PDMP) through the fractionation of plasma collected in the reporting countries. A total of 91 countries reported that all PDMP are imported, 16 countries reported that no PDMP were used during the reporting period, and 8 countries did not respond to the question.
The volume of plasma for fractionation per 1000 population varied considerably between the 45 reporting countries, ranging from 0.1 to 52.6 litres, with a median of 5.2 litres.