কীভাবে অক্সিজেন গ্যাস সনাক্ত করা যায় ?
Accuracy (100% - Characters with errors of characters 100%) / Total number
please solve 1 numerical of this formula and don't give incorrect answer and it is of class 9th IT(COMPUTER)Accuracy (100% - Characters with errors of characters 100%) / Total number
please solve 1 numerical of this formula and don't give incorrect answer and it is of class 9th IT(COMPUTER)Accuracy (100% - Characters with errors of characters 100%) / Total number
please solve 1 numerical of this formula and don't give incorrect answer and it is of class 9th IT(COMPUTER)Accuracy (100% - Characters with errors of characters 100%) / Total number
please solve 1 numerical of this formula and don't give incorrect answer and it is of class 9th IT(COMPUTER)