৬.৪ নীচের প্রতিটির একটি করে উদাহরণ দাও : ক) অভিকর্ষ বল কাজ করছে, খ) অভিকর্ষ বলের বিরুদ্ধে কাজ করা হচ্ছে, গ) বস্তুর সরণ ঘটলেও অভিকর্ষ বল কোনাে কাজ করছে না।
Answered by
A. When the gravitation is working
The revolution of the moon around the earth is an example of gravitational force.
Gravitation force is calculated by the product of masses of two particular bodies and it is inversely proportional with the square of the distance between them. F ∞
B. Work done against gravity
Pulling the bucket upward from the well. It is an example of work against gravitation. The stored energy is released when the bucket falls off.
C. Displacement without gravitational force
An object is moving in space, then in space, no gravitational force can be applied when it is out of the grip. Then it can move forward till its being uninterrupted. It follows Newton's First law.
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