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The tetrapods
pond turtle
pond turtle
sandhill cranes (Grus canadensis)
sandhill cranes (Grus canadensis)
The tetrapods live primarily on land and are rather similar in habit. Members include the amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. Amphibians are widespread in the warmer parts of the continents, being absent only in the far north and in the Antarctic. Three orders are recognized: Candata (the salamanders), the frogs and toads (Anura, or Salientia), and the Apoda or Gymnophiona (caecilians). Modification takes many forms, from the moist glandular skin (some scale remnants persist in apodans) to the loss of many of the bones of the skull. Like their ancestors, amphibians are cold-blooded and tend to be aquatic or limited to moist surroundings. Salamanders are seemingly the least modified in body form. They do not actively pursue prey and at best are only marginal swimmers. In swimming or crawling, the salamander’s body and tail undulate. Frogs and toads hop using hind-limb propulsion and the forelimbs as body props. This dominance of the hind limb in locomotion is best seen in swimming when the forelimbs are drawn back against the body. In contrast to the salamanders and frogs, the burrowing, wormlike apodans are without limbs.
- The AuntThe aunt is a nameless character that Suki does not offer a description of. She accompanies her nephew and two nieces on a train ride.