Social Sciences, asked by sophiaparcon8, 9 months ago

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Hardness is defined as the tendency of minerals to resist abrasion.
Reaction with acids describes how minerals react with acids like HCL.
Fluorescence is the ability of minerals to glow when bombarded with
ultraviolet light.
And phosphorescence refers to the ability of minerals to continue
glowing even after a source of ultraviolet light has been turned off.
Assessment (post-test)
Select the letter of your choice from among the given options. Write all your answers
on a piece of paper.
1. One of the characteristics that make earth a unique planet is it location in the solar
Le system. What is a significant contribution of the fact that Jupiter is Earth's neighbor in
the solar system?
A. Its strong gravity energizes the earth
B. Its strong gravity attracts Kuiper belts
C. Its strong gravity balances the earth in its orbit
5. Its strong gravity attracts space debris away from the Earth
The earth is able to sustain life for millions of years because of the presence of this​


Answered by vermakirti389





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