0.00305 to (1 significant figure)
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Significant rules-Listed below are the basics of the law:
1 All non-zero digits are significant.
2 Zeroes between non-zero digits are significant.
3 A trailing zero or final zero in the decimal portion only are significant.
Following are the significant figures rules that govern the determination of significant figures:
4 Those digits which are non-zero are significant.
For example, in 6575 cm there are four significant figures and in 0.543 there are three significant figures.
5 If any zero precedes the non-zero digit then it is not significant. The preceding zero indicates the location of the decimal point, in 0.005 there is only one and the number 0.00232 has 3 figures.
6 If there is a zero between two non-zero digits then it is also a significant figure.
For example; 4.5006 has five significant figures.
7 Zeroes at the end or on the right side of the number are also significant.
For example; 0.500 has three significant figures.
8 Counting the number of objects for example 5 bananas and 10 oranges have infinite figures as these are inexact numbers.
so by referring the rules significant figure in given question is 3
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