0/1 का गुणन व्युत्क्रम होगा
Given : 0/1
To Find : गुणन व्युत्क्रम
Multiplicative Inverse
Multiplicative Inverse of a number is the number which when multiplied with number result in 1
Hence Reciprocal of a number if Multiplicative inverse of a number
But Zero Does not have reciprocal .
Multiplicative inverse of N is 1/N where N ≠ 0
Multiplicative inverse of a/b is b/a
where a & b ≠ 0
0/1 * x = 0 x ∈ R
Hence there does not exist any number which when multiplied by 0 yield into 1
Hence there is no multiplicative inverse of 0/1
There is no multiplicative inverse of 0/1 is
0/1 का कोई गुणन व्युत्क्रम नहीं है
Learn More:
The multiplicative inverse of 0/1 is 1
The multiplicative inverse of 1/16 ÷ 1/81 +-1/8 - Brainly.in
write the multiplicative inverse of root 3 by 2 minus 1 by 2i - Brainly.in
The product of a number and its multiplicative inverse is - Brainly.in