English, asked by pawarvanita052, 4 months ago

0.2 Write any two types of editors. (Section 2.3)​


Answered by itzdreamer44

Developmental Editors. Developmental editors help writers with the overall structure of their content, including content creation, organization, tone of voice, and character development (when applicable). ...

Copy Editors. ...

Substantive Editors. ...


Answered by Anuchand146


Introduction to R

Table of Contents


1 Introduction and preliminaries

1.1 The R environment

1.2 Related software and documentation

1.3 R and statistics

1.4 R and the window system

1.5 Using R interactively

1.6 An introductory session

1.7 Getting help with functions and features

1.8 R commands, case sensitivity, etc.

1.9 Recall and correction of previous commands

1.10 Executing commands from or diverting output to a file

1.11 Data permanency and removing objects

2 Simple manipulations; numbers and vectors

2.1 Vectors and assignment

2.2 Vector arithmetic

2.3 Generating regular sequences

2.4 Logical vectors

2.5 Missing values

2.6 Character vectors

2.7 Index vectors; selecting and modifying subsets of a data set

2.8 Other types of objects

3 Objects, their modes and attributes

3.1 Intrinsic attributes: mode and length

3.2 Changing the length of an object

3.3 Getting and setting attributes

3.4 The class of an object

4 Ordered and unordered factors

4.1 A specific example

4.2 The function tapply() and ragged arrays

4.3 Ordered factors

5 Arrays and matrices

5.1 Arrays

5.2 Array indexing. Subsections of an array

5.3 Index matrices

5.4 The array() function

5.4.1 Mixed vector a

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