Read the following passage carefully and make a precis of it with a suitable
No one remembers, what life was like before the T.V. came. Today people do
not read books, they do not visit friends, they don't listen to music or have hobbies.
Everyone rushes home and quickly eats his meals to be ready for the T.V.
programmes. The children are the worst sufferers. They forget their food, leave their
homework undone, and even miss their sleep. They watch violence on the screen and
are deeply affected by it. T.V. makes us lazy and cuts us off from the world of reality.
We become idiots and lose our ability to think. I strongly recommend that the T.V.
should be banned in India.
Hari- Hello, Mati, when did you com back from your native village?
Mati- Only yesterday.
Hari- I see, you are very fond of the country life.
Mati- Really I am very fond of it.
Hari- Why? What’s the charm of the country life?
Mati- I’m tired of the din and bustle of the town, of smoke, dirt and congestion. It’s calm and quite there. I get there fresh air and fresh food, fish, milk, fruit and vegetables. I get fresh vigour and energy.
Hari- It’s true. But comforts of life are waiting there-no electric light or fan, no good roads, no good conveyance, no good medical aid, no good school or college, no good society, no theater or cinema hall. How do you live there?
Mati- The villages are not to blame for that. We have neglected the villages so long. You know that the majority of our people live in the villages. Our country cannot prosper unless the villages are improved. Do you agree?
Hari- Yes, I do. But how can we improve the village?
Mati- Educated men should go and mix with the poor and illiterate people of the village, and spread education among them and teach them how to raise their standard of life. Beside, Government has duty to the villagers. Our National Government is doing that now. Villages are not so bad now as you think. In course of time, we shall find there all the amenities of the town.
Hari- Now I understand why you go to your native village during every long vacation.