0-4 What is the difference between JDK and SDK in Java?
An SDK is a set of development tools that allow applications to be created for certain software packages or platforms; the JDK is the most widely used SDK and is an extension of the SDK responsible for writing and running Java programs.
Clarify it.
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I hope I've explaned it well bellow
Yes, there is a difference between the SDK and the JDK. Most of people forget that Java Platform is not only used to develop programs in Java language. The JVM supports some other languages also. Thus, making it clear, the SDK is the generic bundle of software that supports software creation in a variety of languages like Clojure, Groovy, Scala, JRuby, and others. The JDK is the specific bundle to develop software in Java language, containing all Java standard API to do so.
(I hope I've explaned it well