Math, asked by yatendradwivedi57782, 8 days ago

If x = log, (ab), y = loga (bc), z = log (ca),
then which of the following is correct?​


Answered by mmanasmaggi




If x = loga b then x =

log (mn) = log m + log n


Given, x = logc (ab), y = loga (bc), z = logb (ca),

Consider,x = logc (ab)

By logarithm property, we have

, and

⇒ from this and


⇒1 + x = 1 +

By usiing logarithm property log (mn) = log m + log n, we have

⇒1 + x =

⇒ 1+ x =

Similarly, 1 + y = and 1 + z =




= 1

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