0. In annual day of a school, age-wise participation of students is shown in the ...
09-Jan-2020 · In annual day of a school, age-wise participation of students is shown in the following frequency distribution:Age of student (in years) 5-7 | 7-9 9-11 11 – 13 13-15 15–17 | 17-19Number of students 20 i 18 22 25 20 15 10Draw a 'less than type ogive for the above data and from it find the median age
11.4 is median
Step-by-step explanation:
Age f cf
5 - 7 20 20
7 - 9 18 38
9 - 11 22 60
11 - 13 25 85
13 - 15 20 105
15 - 17 15 120
17 - 19 10 130
Median =
11 + 2 * ( 65 - 60)/25
= 11 + 0.4
= 11.4
Less than ogive
The points with the upper limits of the class are plotted on x axis and the corresponding less than cumulative frequencies on y axis.
The points are joined by free hand smooth curve to give less than cumulative frequency curve or the less than Ogive
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what type of ogive do we call a graph which has been drawn ...
Find the median by drawing both type of ogive, class interval :50-60 ...
The median is 11.4
Step-by-step explanation:
In annual day of a school, age-wise participation of students is shown given below
:Age of student Number of students (f) cf
less than 7 20 20
less than 9 18 38
less than 11 22 60
less than 13 25 85
less than 15 20 105
less than 17 15 120
less than 19 10 130
here median class is 11-13 , h = 2 , n/2 = 65 , cf = 60 f= 25
median =
median =
median = 11.4
hence , The median is 11.4
#Learn more:
Draw less than type ogive graph for the given data