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This report highlights the following:
Definition, status quo, industry chain and trends of automotive intelligent cockpit platforms
Comparison between automotive intelligent cockpit platform solutions, OEM cockpit platform solution layout
Status quo and trends of intelligent cockpit platforms, domain controller market size forecast, typical cockpit hardware platform domain controller solutions and their customers
Major intelligent cockpit hardware platform vendors (Visteon, Panasonic, Continental, Aptiv, etc.) and product layout
Applied cases of intelligent cockpit hardware platform (Tesla, Mercedes-Benz, Land Rover, etc.)
Comparison between intelligent cockpit processors. Major cockpit processor vendors (Qualcomm, Intel, NXP, Samsung, Allwinner, Horizon Robotics) and product development
Composition and trends of major intelligent cockpit software platforms
Status quo of automotive operating systems, underlying OS market share, major automotive operating system vendors and product development
Intelligent cockpit software platform virtualization technology (Hypervisor) layout