English, asked by lembatbhanongbri, 8 months ago

0 No 1 Read rhe passage and answer ihe guesiions rharfollow by seleciing
(he mosl appropriale options

He Changed rhe World

six dors six bumps six bumps in differenl pairerns, like oonslellaiiohs
spreading oui over me page. Whar were rheyv Numbers, leirers, words? Who
made ihis code?

None oiherihan Louis Braille, who was blind, and his work changed the
world of reading and wriiihg, forever.

Louis was from a small iowh near Paris, France He was born on 4 January
1809. Louis hecame blind by accidem, when he was ihree years old He was
playing in his famel‘s workshop wiih a sharp lool ihai accidenially hurl his
eye. The wound gol infecled, and rhe lnfeoiicn spread, and soon, Louis was
blind in borh ihe eyes.

Now Louis needed a new way io learn He siudied ai his old school for rwo
more years, bul he could nol learn everyihing iusl py lislenihg. Things
became hener when Louis goi a scholarship m ihe Royal lnsiiiure for Blind
Vouih in Paris, when he was leri But even mere, most oflheleachersiusi
ralked lo lhe srudenls The library had lourieen huge books wiih raised
leirers bur ihey were very difliouh to read

in 1821, a former soldier named Charles Barbiervisired ihe school. Barhier
shared his lrlvemiorl, called ‘nlghl wrilihg‘, a code of rwelve raised dols ihar
lei soldiers share lop' secrer informaiioh oh lhe hairlefield wiihoui even
having lo speak Unloriunaiely,lhe code was nor easy for ihe soldiers.

The young Louis Braille quickly realized how useful rhis sysiem of raised
dors could be, proVided ir was simplified

Louis irimmed Balhler‘s rwelve dots imo SIX, and improved ihe sysrem by the
lime he was filreeri He published rhe firsi—ever Braille hook in 1829. Bui did
he slop lhele” No wayl in 1837, he added symhols for maih and music
Louis Braille eveniually became a leacher In ihe school where he had been a
sludehi He was admired and respecied by his pupils hui, unloriuhaiely, he
did hoi live io see his syslem Widely adopred He died al me age of loriyr
ihree in 1852 Now praciically every couhiry in rhe world uses Braille Mosi
imponamly, people who are visually challenged can communicale


Answered by kiranansh1988

please mark me as brainlist

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