Math, asked by Hacker0008, 5 months ago

Rotation and Revolu
2 리
COURSE CONTENT - Syllabus and I
ation direction, speed and its effects (occurrence of day and night, the
he west, Coriolis effect)
volution of the Earth and its inclined axis - effects: the variation in the len
sonal changes with Equinoxes and Solstices
sent times people observed the
ement of heavenly bodies,
ally the Sun and the Moon,
and anxiety. They
• The Earth
axis is an in
of the Earth​


Answered by Deepthika6aSgips


What is Rotation?

A rotation is a circular movement of an object around a centre of rotation. If three-dimensional objects like earth, moon and other planets always rotate around an imaginary line, it is called a rotation axis. If the axis passes through the body’s centre of mass, the body is said to rotate upon itself or spin.

What is Revolution?

Revolution is often used as a synonym for rotation. However, in many fields like astronomy and its related subjects, revolution is referred to as an orbital revolution. It is used when one body moves around another, while rotation is used to mean the movement around the axis. For example, the Moon revolves around the Earth and the Earth revolves around the Sun.

Rotation of the Earth

The spinning of the Earth around its axis is called ‘rotation’. The axis has an angle of 2312∘ and is perpendicular to the plane of Earth’s orbit. Which means, Earth is tilted on its axis, and because of this tilt, the northern and southern hemispheres lean in a direction away from the Sun. The rotation of the Earth divides it into a lit-up half and a dark half, which gives rise to day and night.

Revolution of the Earth

The movement of the Earth around the Sun in a fixed path is called a revolution. The Earth revolves from west to east i.e, in the anticlockwise direction. The Earth completes one revolution around the Sun in one year or precisely in 365.242 days. The revolution speed of the earth is 30 km/s-

Step-by-step explanation:

Questions on Rotation and Revolution of Planets

Do earthquakes affect the Earth’s rotation?

Using the data from the Indonesian Earthquake, NASA calculated that earthquake affected Earth’s rotation, decreased the length of the day, shifted the North Pole by centimetres and slightly changed the planet’s shape. The earthquake that creates huge tsunami also changed the Earth’s rotation.

Has the Earth’s rotation ever speeded up in the past?

Probably, but in the last 900 million years, any speed-ups have been superimposed on a more or less steady slow down in spin rate. Even today, we can identify how the rotation rate of the Earth changes fast and slow by milliseconds per day, depending on how the mass distribution of the Earth and its atmosphere change from earthquakes and the movement of water and air.

Is it possible to slow down the Earth’s rotation artificially?

It is said that humans have made a measurable change in the Earth’s rotation period of the Earth by several microseconds by accumulating vast reservoirs with trillions of tons of water. There may be a weak interaction between this activity and the weather over the long term, and possibly even in the strength of the Earth’s magnetic field which is very sensitive to the rotation rate of the Earth.

What is the angle made by the axis of the earth with its orbital plane?

The angle made by the axis of the earth which is an imaginary line with the orbital plane is 66 degrees.

What is an equinox?

An equinox is defined as the time when the sun crosses the celestial equator such that the length of the day and night are equal. Every year has two equinoxes. Also, the length of nights at latitudes L degree north and L degree south are equal.

HOPE IT HELPS YOU...........


Answered by manishshah48


the pro

Step-by-step explanation:

the rotation is the movment of the earth about its axis,which is tilted at an angle angle of 23 1/2the plane of the orbit the rotation of earth causes day and night

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