Physics, asked by iqbalsaini532, 2 months ago

0. Read the following and answer the questions

The scattering involves bouncing off of light by atoms/molecules of the medium through

which they are travelling. Most of the beautiful phenomena like blue colour of sky, white

colour of clouds, red hues of sunrise and sunset have been explained in terms of scattering of

light. Lord Rayleigh studied elastic scattering and established that intensity of scattered light

(Is) varies inversely as the fourth power of wave- length of incident light. The only condition

for Rayleigh scattering to be valid is that size of scatterer must be much less that the wave

length of light.

20.(1) Scattering of light involves

(a) Reflection of light (c) refraction of light

(b) Dispassion of light (d) none of these

20.(2) The essential condition for Rayleigh scattering is that size (x) of scatterer must be c

(a) Much smaller than the wave length of light

(b) Much greater that the wave length of light

(c) Equal to wave length of light

(d) Cannot say

20 (3) In Rayleigh scattering, intensity of scattered light varies inversely as power (n) of wave

length of light, where n is equal to

(a) 6 (b) 8 (c) 4 (d) 2

20 (4) Rayleigh scattering accounts for

(a) Blue colour of sky

(b) White colur of sky

(c) Red hues of sunrise and sunset

(d) All of above​


Answered by navdeepmalik1254


all of the above..........

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