Social Sciences, asked by sonu1611050, 7 months ago

0. तृतीय क्षेत्र की किन्हीं पांच विशेषताओं का उल्लेख कीजिए।
1.औपचारिक व अनौपचारिक ऋण के स्रोतों में पांच अंतरों का उल्लेख कीजिए।​


Answered by daddycalling8


अर्थव्यवस्था के तृतीयक क्षेत्र (tertiary sector of economy) को 'सेवा क्षेत्र' (service sector) भी कहते हैं। अर्थव्यवस्था के अन्य दो क्षेत्र 'प्राथमिक क्षेत्र' (कृषि, पशुपालन, मछली पालन आदि) तथा 'द्वितीयक क्षेत्र (विनिर्माण) हैं।

तृतीयक क्षेत्र का विकास २०वीं शताब्दी के आरम्भ में शुरू हुआ। इसके अन्तर्गत व्यापार, यातायात, संप्रेषण (कमुनिकेशन्स), वित्त, पर्यटन, सत्कार (हॉस्पितैलिटी), संस्कृति, मनोरंजन, लोक प्रशासन एवं लोक सेवा, सूचना, न्याय, स्वास्थ्य, शिक्षा आदि आते हैं।

Answered by 27swatikumari

Answer: Indian formal industry

 In this industry, all positions come with set working hours, consistent      pay, and job security.

It is a registered business and must pay taxes.

The majority of people work in unorganized industries.

Informal industries are thought to have poor output values.

In India, 52% of employees are employed in agriculture, dairy, gardening, and similar fields.

Explanation: Laws and rules that have been recorded with the government are adhered to by the formal sources of loans. All small, dispersed groups that are usually out of government authority are included in the informal sources. Examples include employees, loan sharks, family members, acquaintances, and business owners.

Formal sources of credit or payments are distinguished from informal sources by being listed with the government, whereas informal sources are not. Government rules and regulations are anticipated to be followed by the formal sources of credit because they are immediately under government authority. formal industry provides superior The salary rates that are offered to its employees. The unorganized industry is relatively small. Workers in the official and casual sectors both have stable employment. industry doesn't have many jobs Security cannot be ignored.

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