03 True False
(a sody looked after the town and made it drink
milk with his finges dipped in milk.
il cody wanted to back to the doe when they
had killed to
to pay
back to the doe when they had
killed to save his father's eye.
was not
and its brain draw out
(d) They killed the dre and
with Jody's .
Neutral Salt: They are formed by the neutralisation of strong acids and strong bases, are called neutral salts because their aqueous solutions are neutral to litmus. Examples: The compounds like NaCl, KCl, K2S04, NaN03, KCl03, KClO4 etc are neutral salts.
03 True False
(a sody looked after the town and made it drink
milk with his finges dipped in milk.
il cody wanted to back to the doe when they
had killed to
to pay
back to the doe when they had
killed to save his father's eye.
was not
and its brain draw out
(d) They killed the dre and
with Jody's .
03 True False
(a sody looked after the town and made it drink
milk with his finges dipped in milk.
il cody wanted to back to the doe when they
had killed to
to pay
back to the doe when they had
killed to save his father's eye.
was not
and its brain draw out
(d) They killed the dre and
with Jody's .