English, asked by vishnupb2642004, 9 months ago

04. Write a short story in about 200-250 words based on the input given below. Also give it
a suitable title. (10 marks)
It was a long train journey and Madhav got into his compartment in the morning.
Though very excited, he had a tired look as he had to spend a sleepless night...​


Answered by brosunny


It was on a bright summer’s day in 1982 that I boarded the ‘KK’ Express bound for Delhi at the Trivandrum Central railway station, on my way back to Vijayawada after a short sojourn at home. The train was flagged off on time and I settled down comfortably with a book. I shared the air-conditioned second class cubicle with a couple and their two children who were quite friendly. They attempted to make small conversation with me though I tried to keep to myself and my book. The Travelling Ticket Examiner (TTE) came around and checked the tickets.

Just after the train left the next major station, Quilon, I went to the toilet to change into more comfortable dress for the long journey ahead. However, during the process I watched in horror my wallet falling through the toilet outlet.

In panic, since all my money and the train ticket were inside the wallet, I pulled the emergency chain inside the toilet. The chain just came off in my hand. I came out and pulled the first chain that I saw. This time the train screeched to a halt, after maybe 500 more metres.

Many questions

I faced a barrage of questions from other passengers and officials who jumped out of the stationary train along with me. Of course, there was no chance of recovering my wallet, for the train had travelled at least 2 km from the point of the mishap. So everyone got back in the train and the journey resumed.

My co-passengers expressed their sympathies and consoled me. The TTE, a stern, no-nonsense person, came over to find out about the incident and asked me for the ticket again. I informed him it had been lost along with my wallet. He asked me to take a new ticket since I cannot travel without a valid ticket. I explained to him that all my money also went down with the wallet and I was left with just a 50-paisa coin. He was not willing to listen to my pleas and asked me to get down at the next station.

However, after some time he came back and asked me to meet the Train Superintendent who was in the last bogey and get his permission to travel.

I walked through numerous bogies jostling with crowds and virtually fighting my way through at times to reach the officer and tried to explain the situation to him. But he flatly refused to give any such permission and said the TTE had no business even to send me to him. Dejected, I found my way back to the TTE and explained my predicament.

Finally, he agreed to allow me to travel up to Palghat where he would be handing over charge to another TTE, and it was up to the new TTE to allow me to travel ahead.

To my pleasant surprise, he offered me Rs. 20, to see me through the journey. In fact, he was apologetic about not being able to give me more money. He insisted on my taking the money, saying I could return it after reaching home.

At Palghat, I waited anxiously for the new TTE, concerned that he would evict me. He came, not to evict me but to assure me that he would allow me to travel up to Vijayawada since the previous TTE had explained to him my situation and requested him to take care of me.

Still to go

The rest of the journey was uneventful. When the train rolled into the Vijayawada station, I still had about Rs.10 left in my pocket, since my co-passengers had ensured that I did not go hungry by sharing the food they were carrying.

I was humbled beyond words at the Vijayawada station when the TTE took me personally to the Stationmaster and requested him to allow me to pass through the gate, explaining the circumstances.

This was an experience I cherish, which not just changed my opinion of TTEs but also rekindled my belief in humanity and the confidence in providence.

Answered by pradyumnaG


Once upon a time there was a huge apple tree. A little boy used to come to play near the tree. He would search for juicy apples. He would play alongside the tree and rest under the shade. The tree was overjoyed after meeting this little bundle of joy. One day, the tree was surprised to see that boy approaching it with a sad face.

“Come on little boy! Play with me," the Tree asked the boy.

“I am no longer a kid to play around tree like you," the boy scowled at the tree. “I need toys. I need money to buy toys of various designs and sizes," the boy told the tree.

“Sorry my dear boy! I do not have money to give you. But you can pick all my apples and sell them. That will give you adequate money to buy toys of your choices," replied the tree in soothing voice.

The boy grabbed all the apples and left happily. He sold the apples and got money. He bought toys of his choices.

Spring bid adieu and autumn came by but there was no sign of the boy.

One morning, the tree saw its friend. That little boy had grown up into a big man.

“Come and play with me" the tree said.

“I cannot play. I have family now. We need a house for shelters. Can you help me?" the man replied.

“Sorry! I do not have any house. But you can chop off my branches to build your house," the tree told the man.

The man cut all the branches of the tree and left happily. The tree was glad to see his friend smiling again.

The man returned one evening to the apple tree.

“Come and play with me," the tree asked the man.

“I am getting old. I want to go sailing to relax myself. Can you give me a boat," the man asked the apple tree.

“Use my trunk to build your boat," the tree told the man.

He cut off the trunk and made a boat out of it.

He went sailing and never showed up for a long time.

The man returned after many years.

“Sorry my boy! But now I do not have anything to offer to you. I have nothing for you anymore. No more apples….No more branches…no more trunks for you to climb on’" the tree said with 

a pain in its voice.

“No problem….I too do not have any teeth to bite and I am too old to climb trees," the man replied.

“I just need a place to rest after all these days," the man replied.

“Old tree roots are the best place to lean on. Come on and sit down with me and rest," the apple tree replied with a concern in its voice.

The old man sat down. The apple tree was glad and smiled with tears.

This is the story of every person. The tree is like our parents. When we were young, we could not have imagined our life without them. But as we grow up, we leave them. No matter what, parents will always be there and give us everything to make us happy.

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