English, asked by mominsanchi46, 9 hours ago

4. Read the passage given below and fill in the blanks by
choosing the most appropriate word from the given options: 8-4
to school, 1 (b) my umbrella
wasn't with me only when it started id)
everywhere but it was nowhere to fel And then, there it
I could (9)
th from my sack shirt collar
As I fa)
(a) figo no) went ) gond) was going
(b) () lose () lost () loging riu had lost
(c) () realize i realized in had realized
(d) 7 rain fi.rainee Mou had rainea nu) raining
(e) find o lound (u) had found ) be Yound)
0 745 7w was (1) are (iv) were
(0) 0 feel (w) felt mul had felt pu) feeling
(h) (0 hang (w) hangad niti) had hanged (w hanging​


Answered by Sreyan234


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