08- How can the receiver make the best possible Use of this land ?
Question :-
How can the receiver make the best possible use of this land ?
The land is mostly used in three ways:-
- for agriculture
- for building purpose
- for industrial purpose
For Agriculture - Agriculture is a one of the greatest occupation by the Indian farmers if the land is fertile or if the land is in the remote area then it is very easy for the people to do agriculture. it gives profit in great amount only one fifth of the the money is spend in the agriculture.
For building purpose- If the land is on the height tack City , then the best option for the land can be used as building for flat or for school or for Indian Oil reservation etc. it gives a huge amount of money without any spend on the land and also useful for the development of the nation.
For industrial purpose- If the land is on the remote area then a a acres of land can be used as the industry the industry of the substance which main lead for a great business.