1,1 dimethyl cyclohexane is optically inactive because
(a) Presence of centre of symmetry
(b) Presence of a plane of symmetry
(c) Presence of identical substituents on same carbon atom
(d) None of these.
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b) presence of a plane of symmetry
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1, 1 dimethyl cyclohexane is optically in active due to a) presence of centre of symmetry.
What does it mean to be optically inactive:
- Optical inactivity refers to a compound that is incapable of optical rotation.
- Pure achiral molecules have no optical activity.
- Chloroethane, for example, is achiral and does not rotate plane-polarized light.
What is centre of symmetry:
- It is a point within a molecule from which lines drawn to opposite direction meet similar points at exactly the same direction and distance.
- A centre of symmetry is a place in space where any group on a molecule can be reflected back through it an identical distance but in the opposite direction, resulting in the discovery of an equivalent group.
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