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Hearing the whitetail deer as they bleat and grunt. Listening to the moose bellow in the distance while the coyotes howl. The hunter proceeds to get closer to the calls of the moose, since it is the call of a bull. He sees the bull and slowly crouches, aiming and waiting for the right moment. The bull moose lifts up its head with its nose twitching, smells the air, and trots away. The hunter stands up, disappointed, and walks to where the moose was standing. He crouches down to look at the tracks of this bull, his eyes widened. The hunter has never seen a track this large of an animal! He quickly looks around to find more tracks and hears the bellowing of the moose. The hunter crouches and slowly makes his way over to where the call came from. He gets to a bush and waits. A sudden blow of air, hearing a deep grunt from behind, the hunter slowly turns around, as the hunter takes a deep breath acknowledging what was in front of him, a 2 meter high, just at the shoulders, with antlers that reached 7ft long from one tip the other with such a beautiful dark brown coat. The bull gazes at the hunter, the large creature tilts its head as its ridiculously large horns go with it. The hunter slowly grabs his rifle, causing crunching noises from the dry leaves. The large bull lifts its head up, looking so breath-taking and trots back into the forest.
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you are always don't worry please
don't worry your answer is a correct
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