English, asked by alinaarif66197, 7 months ago

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[I]Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow:

1. “Anything you like. I know all the answers. But before we begin I should like to change my position: you may be comfortable, but I am not.”

1. Who speaks these lines and to whom?

2. What kind of answers does he know?

3. At which place is the dialogue being spoken?

4. Who and why does he want to change his position?

2. “That’s a lie you are not dealing with a fool. I’m as smart as you and smarter, and I know you run a car. Better be careful, wise guy.”

1. Which lie is the speaker referring to?

2. Why does the speaker say that he is not a fool?

3. Why does the speaker say that he is smarter?

4. Give two antonyms of smart.

[II] Answer the following questions in 30-40 words each:

1. Why had the intruder come to Gerrard’s cottage?

2. What story did Gerrard tell the intruder about himself when he came to know of the intruder’s intentions?

[III] Answer the following question in 100-120 word:

1. Write the character sketch of ‘Gerrard Vincent Charles’.


Answered by sauravsamantaray1973


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