(1.3) Proposition: Let {x} be a sequence in a metric space (X; d). Then
(x) converges to y in Xiff for every open set U containing y, there exists a
positive integer N such that for every integer ,n>=N,xn belongs to U
Definitions. A metric on a set M is a function d : M × M → R
such that for all x, y, z ∈ M,
• d(x, y) ≥ 0; and d(x, y) = 0 if and only if x = y (d is positive)
• d(x, y) = d(y, x) (d is symmetric)
• d(x, z) ≤ d(x, y) + d(y, z) (d satisfies the triangle inequality)
The pair (M, d) is called a metric space.
If there is no danger of confusion we speak about the metric space
M and, if necessary, denote the distance by, for example, dM .
The open ball centred at a ∈ M with radius r is the set
B(a,r) = {x ∈ M : d(x, a) < r}
the closed ball centred at a ∈ M with radius r is
{x ∈ M : d(x, a) ≤ r}.
A subset S of a metric space M is bounded if there are a ∈ M and
r ∈ (0,∞) so that S ⊂ B(a,r).
MA222 – 2008/2009 – page 1.1
Normed linear spaces
Definition. A norm on a linear (vector) space V (over real or
complex numbers) is a function ( · ( : V → R such that for all
x, y ∈ V,
• (x( ≥ 0; and (x( = 0 if and only if x = 0 (positive)
• (cx( = |c|(x( for every c ∈ R (or c ∈ C) (homogeneous)
• (x + y(≤(x( + (y( (satisfies the triangle inequality)
The pair (V, ( · () is called a normed linear (or vector) space.
Fact 1.1. If ( · ( is a norm on V then d(x, y) = (x − y( is a metric
on V.
Proof. Only the triangle inequality needs an argument:
d(x, z) = (x − z( = ((x − y)+(y − z)(
≤ (x − y( + (y − z( = d(x, y) + d(y, z)
MA222 – 2008/2009 – page 1.2
Example (Euclidean n spaces). Rn (or Cn) with the norm
(x( =
2 so with metric d(x, y) =
|xi − yi|
Example (n spaces with !p norm, p ≥ 1). Rn (or Cn) with the
(x(p =
so with metric dp(x, y) = %$n
|xi − yi|
Example (n spaces with max, sup or !∞ metric). Rn (or Cn)
with the norm
(x(∞ = max n
i=1|xi| so with metric d∞(x, y) = max n
i=1|xi − yi|
MA222 – 2008/2009 – page 1.3
Balls in !p norms
Balls in R2 with the !1, ! 3
, !2, !4 and !∞ norms.
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Convexity of !p balls
We show that the unit ball (and so all balls) in !p norm are convex.
(This is an important fact, although for us it is only a tool for proving
the triangle inequality for the !p norms.) So we wish to prove:
If (x(p, (y(p ≤ 1, α, β ≥ 0 and α + β = 1 then (αx + βy(p ≤ 1.
Proof for p < ∞; for p = ∞ it is left as an exercise.
Since the function |t|
p is convex (here we use that p ≥ 1!),
|αxi + βyi|
p ≤ α|xi|
p + β|yi|
Summing gives
|αxi + βyi|
p ≤ α
p + β
p ≤ α + β = 1.
So (αx + βy(p ≤ 1, as required.
MA222 – 2008/2009 – page 1.5
Proof of triangle inequality for !p norms
Proof. (In this proof we write ( · ( instead of ( · (p.)
The triangle inequality (x + y(≤(x( + (y( is obvious if x = 0 or
y = 0, so assume x, y *= 0. Let
xˆ = x
, yˆ = y
, λ = 1
(x( + (y(
, α = λ(x( and β = λ(y(.
(xˆ( = 1, (yˆ( = 1, α, β, λ > 0, α + β = 1
λ(x + y) = αxˆ + βyˆ.
Since (αxˆ + βyˆ( ≤ 1 by convexity of the unit ball,
(x + y( = ((x( + (y()(λ(x + y)(
= ((x( + (y()(αxˆ + βyˆ(≤(x( + (y(.
MA222 – 2008/2009 – page 1.6
Some exotic metric spaces
Example (Discrete spaces). Any set M with the metric
d(x, y) = '
0 if x = y
1 if x *= y
Example (Sunflower or French railways metric in R2).
d(x, y) = '
(x − y( if x, y lie on the same line passing through origin
(x( + (y( otherwise
Example (Jungle river metric in R2).
d(x, y) = '
|y1 − y2| if x1 = x2
|y1| + |x1 − x2| + |y2| otherwise
MA222 – 2008/2009 – page 1.7
Balls in sunflower metric
d(x, y) = '
(x − y( x, y, 0 colinear
(x( + (y( otherwise
centre (4, 3), radius 6
MA222 – 2008/2009 – page 1.8
Subspaces, product spaces
Subspaces. If M is a metric space and H ⊂ M, we may consider
H as a metric space in its own right by defining dH(x, y) = dM (x, y)
for x, y ∈ H. We call (H, dH) a (metric) subspace of M.
Agreement. If we refer to M ⊂ Rn as a metric space, we have in
mind the Euclidean metric, unless another metric is specified.
Warning. When subspaces are around, confusion easily arises.
For example, in R, the ball B(0, 1) is the interval (−1, 1) while in the
metric space [0, 2], the ball B(0, 1) is the interval [0, 1).
Products. If Mi are metric spaces, the product M1 × ··· × Mn
becomes a metric space with any of the metrics
d(x, y) = %$n
(di(xi, yi))p
or max n
i=1di(xi, yi)
where 1 ≤ p < ∞.
MA222 – 2008/2009 – page 1.9
Function & Sequence Spaces
C([a, b]) with maximum norm. The set C([a, b]) of continuous
functions on [a, b] with the norm
(f ( = sup
= max
C([a, b]) with Lp norm. Very different norms on C([a, b]) are defined
for p ≥ 1 by
(f (p =
%* b
p dx&1
Spaces !p. For p ≥ 1, the set of real (or complex) sequences such
that +∞
i=1 |xi|