(1) 4cm, 5 cm, 7 cm
1) DrawBC=4cm
1) DrawBC=4cm2) Cut arc of 5 cm from B and arc of 7 cm from C. Mark point of intersection as A.
1) DrawBC=4cm2) Cut arc of 5 cm from B and arc of 7 cm from C. Mark point of intersection as A.3) Draw BD making an acute angle with BC. Mark 4 equal arcs on BD.
1) DrawBC=4cm2) Cut arc of 5 cm from B and arc of 7 cm from C. Mark point of intersection as A.3) Draw BD making an acute angle with BC. Mark 4 equal arcs on BD.4) Join B4 to C, draw a line B3C′ parallel to B4C.
1) DrawBC=4cm2) Cut arc of 5 cm from B and arc of 7 cm from C. Mark point of intersection as A.3) Draw BD making an acute angle with BC. Mark 4 equal arcs on BD.4) Join B4 to C, draw a line B3C′ parallel to B4C.5) Draw a line C′A′ parallel to CA.
1) DrawBC=4cm2) Cut arc of 5 cm from B and arc of 7 cm from C. Mark point of intersection as A.3) Draw BD making an acute angle with BC. Mark 4 equal arcs on BD.4) Join B4 to C, draw a line B3C′ parallel to B4C.5) Draw a line C′A′ parallel to CA.∴ΔA′BC′ is the required triangle.