Physics, asked by kaifahmed822, 4 months ago

1⁄4i1⁄2 Name the physical quantity of unit N/C. Also mention that is it a vector or a scalar quantity \


Answered by studay07


  • N stands for newton which is the unit of force and C stands for coulumb which is the unit of charge then it means force per unit charge and definitely it is ELECTRIC FIELD. Let's discuss with a diffrent way. We know the dimension of force = MLT^-2 and .
  • I(current)= q(charge)/t(time) i.e, the dimension of charge =IT
  • Therefore the resultant dimension should be MLT^-3 I^-1
  • Again electric field E = F/q=F/IT=MLT^-3 I^-1
  • So it implies nothing but the electric field strenght.
  • It is vector quantity.

other exampls of physical quantites and their units..

current density (j) = A/m2 L−2 I  intensive, vector

Molar energy J/mol = M L2 T−2 N−1 intensive

Specific heat capacity = L2 T−2 Θ−1 intensive

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