1. a) Draw the circuit diagram using BIS symbols to measure the power and energy in single
phase AC circuit with unity power facctor
symbols to measure the power and energy in single
phase AC circuit with unity power facctor
Answer:The simplest single phase ac power connection requires two wires. In low voltage circuits, voltage can be measured directly with an appropriately scaled ac voltmeter. Current is usually measured by inserting a current transformer in the line side and monitoring the output with a 5A full scale ac ammeter
The simplest single phase ac power connection requires two
wires. In low voltage circuits, voltage can be measured
directly with an appropriately scaled ac voltmeter. Current is
usually measured by inserting a current transformer in the
line side and monitoring the output with a 5A full scale ac
ammeter . Where the circuit cannot be broken to
insert the current transformer, a split core or clamp-on
current transducer can be used. In higher voltage circuits, a
potential transformer may be added to step down the source
voltage to a lower level .Depending on voltage levels, frequency meters can be directly connected in the same manner as the ac voltmeter, or operated through a potential transformer. Some wattmeters, power factor meters and watt-hour meters are directly connected to the power source. In higher energy circuits, or situations where the meter is located far from the power circuit, a CT and PT are used .