Math, asked by oneyjay56, 7 hours ago

1.    A fertilizer mixture 3:1:5(38) is applied in a hectare with maize plants. [10]

(i)             Calculate the quantities of N, P, and K in 850 kg of this fertilizer.       

(ii)           Calculate the amount of fertilizer applied per plant, if the space between plants is 30 cm and 0.5m between rows, when 850 kg is applied in 1ha.​


Answered by riddhitrivedi842

Step-by-step explanation:

(I) fertilizer company needs to supply 50 tons of fertilizer at the end of the first month, 70 tons at the end of second month, and 90 tons at the end of third month. The cost of producing x tons of fertilizer in any month is given by $(4500x + 20x2). It can produce more fertilizer in any month and supply it in the next month. However, there is an inventory carrying cost of $400 per ton per month. Find the optimal level of production in each of the three periods and the total cost involved by solving it as an initial value problem.

(Ii) will do my experiment in china, here the fertilizer are available in N,P2O5 and K2O form.the main objective of my study is N level. after initial does of 120-60-50 N-P-K, I will add more N to my plants , whereas p and K will be kept constant, so I am confused if I use N-P2O5 -K2 form, how can I go for higher amount of N .


general rule of thumb for N application is: 0.2-0.25 kg N fertilizer for every 1 mm rainfall, in other words 100 kg N per hectare for a 500 mm rainfall zone.

Answered by probrainsme103


A ratio indicates what number times one number contains another. it's sort of a relationship between two or more quantities, expressed in terms of other quantity.


Ratio of fertiliser mixture is 3:1:5

To find

  • Calculate the number of fertilizer applied per plant, if the space between plants is 30 cm and 0.5m between rows, when 850 kg is applied in 1ha.​


1) If the mixture is 3:1:5 and also the mixture is of 850 kg, the quantities of N,P, and K are :

N=850*3/9=283.3 Kg

P=850*1/9=94.44 Kg

K=850*5/9=472.22 Kg

2) Total area is 1 hectare=100000000 cm

Area between plants=30*50=1500

Plants planted=100000000/150

=666667 plants.

N=283.3/666667=0.00042 Kg per plant

P=94.44/666667=0.00014 Kg per plant

K=472.22/666667=0.0007 Kg per plant.


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