Physics, asked by aryanchaudhary9451, 4 months ago

1. a) Give one word answer:

i) Nonelastic,white fibrous connective tissue that joins skeletal muscle to the bone.

ii) Fluid part of blood.

iii) The branch of biology which deals with naming and classifying organisms.

iv) An edible fungi.

v) Animals that form corals..

vi) Pores bearing animals.

vii) The process by which living beings obtain or synthesize food for growth,repair,reproduction.

viii) Green coloured photosynthetic pigment.

b) State True/False and Rewrite the incorrect statements correctly:

i) Stomata remain open at night.

ii) Oxygen during photosynthesis is released from carbon-di-oxide.

iii) Starfish is a vertebrate.

iv) Sponge is an example of segmented animals.

v) Aves is a class of aerial animals.

vi) Crocodile lay eggs in water..

vii) Bacteria are eukaryotic organisms.

viii) Cardiac muscles are voluntary muscles.

c) Choose the odd one out and give reason for your answer :

i) Cartilage,Lymph,Blood,Plasma.

ii) Paramecium,Amoeba,Euglena,Bacteria.

iii) Crow,Owl,Sparrow,Frog.

iv) Starch,Iodine,Caustic soda.

d)Define any four terms:


i) Nephridia

ii) Saprophytes.

iii) Ligament.

iv) Mycelium.

v)Photolysis of water.

vi) Classification.

e)Match the terms given in column A with those given in column B:

Column- A Column- B

i) Adipose tissue i)Tentacles

ii) Yeast ii)Stores fats

iii)Hydra iii)Lactose

iv)Milk sugar iv)Used in bakeries

f) Fill in the blanks:

i)__________ nutrition is found in non-green plants.

ii) Centipede and Millipede are examples of ________.

iii)Invertebrates with jointed legs are called ________.

iv)________ tissue forms covering of the body.


Each question is of 10 marks. Attempt any four questions.

2.Differentiate between the following by writing 2 points for each (any five)

i) Cuboidal and squamous epithelium.

ii)Monera and Protista.

iii)Frog and Lizard.

iv)Roundworm and Tapeworm.

v)Simple tissues and Complex tissues.

vi)Collenchyma and Sclerenchyma.

vii)Connective tissue and Muscular tissue

3 .Give reasons: (any five)

i)White blood cells are called ‘soldiers of body’

ii)Earthworms are called farmer’s friends.

iii)Too much bright light and high temperature slow down photosynthesis.

iv) Glucose converted into starch immediately after its formation in the cells.

v)Fish have streamlined body.

vi)The leaves of a plant kept in dark become yellow.

vii) Green plants are autotrophs.

6. Answer any five questions :

i) What is nitrification?

ii)Write a short note on’reptiles’

iii)Write any two characteristics of Phylum Mollusca.

iv)Define the term ‘Species’.

v)Write any two harmful effects of fungi.

vi)Write the function of cartilage.

vii)Whales and Dolphins appear like fish and live in water but are grouped with mammals.Why?

7.a) Write one main function of:

i)Guard cells

ii)Mammary glands


iv)Xylem vessels

v)Cardiac muscles

b)Short answer questions:

i)Write equation to represent the basics of photosynthesis.

ii)What is intercalary meristem?

iii) Why are fungi preferred as food?

iv)Why does a Kangaroo keeps her young ones in an abdominal pouch?

v)What does ‘photo’ represents in term photosynthesis.​


Answered by rockgamers388



because this question is so short

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