1. A partnership is registered with
a. Registrar of Companies
b. Registrar of Co-operatives C. Registrar of Firms d. District Collector
2. Cooperative fails because of
a) Unlimited membership
b) Cash trading
c) Mismanagement d) Loss-making
3. Table A of the Companies Act is a
a) Model minutes book
b) Model form of Balance Sheet c) Model of AOA d) Model of MOA
4. Membership in a cooperative organization is: a) Not open to all
b) Selective c) Open to all d) None of them
5. Airport Authority of India is a public enterprise. Identify the form of
organisation a) Statutory Corporations b) Departmental Undertakings
c) Multi-National Corporations
d) State Owned Company
6. A partnership is registered with
a) Registrar of Companies
b) Registrar of Co-operatives C) Registrar of Firms d) District Collector
1.Partnership form of business entities come under the Indian Partnership Act, 1932. According to this Act, it is not mandatory to register partnership firms. This means it is completely a choice of partners whether to register such form of business entity.
2.Cooperatives can and do fail in two ways: they either go bankrupt or transform into investor-owned businesses (IOBs). ... It is clear that cooperatives – just like any other type of business – can fail for any number reasons, such as lack of capital, incompetent management, organizational deficiencies, and so on.
3.Table A is the name given to the prescribed format for articles of association of a company limited by shares under the Companies Act 1985 and earlier legislation. When a company limited by shares was incorporated, it didn't need to file articles if it used 'Table A' as its articles.
4.I can't understand it.
5.The Airports Authority of India or AAI is a statutory body (created through the Airports Authority of India Act, 1994) working under the Ministry of Civil Aviation, Government of India is responsible for creating, upgrading, maintaining and managing civil aviation infrastructure in India.
6.Partnership form of business entities come under the Indian Partnership Act, 1932. According to this Act, it is not mandatory to register partnership firms. This means it is completely a choice of partners whether to register such form of business entity.
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