Chemistry, asked by loveraja6790, 1 year ago

1. A reaction is 50% complete in 2 hours and 75% complete in 4 hours. What is the order of reaction?

2. What is meant by elementary step in a reaction?

3. Is there any reaction for which reaction rate does not decrease with time?

4. Express the relation between the half- life period of a reactant and it’s initial concentration, if the reaction involved is of second order?

5. Express the relation between the half life period of a reactant and it’s initial concentration for a reaction of nth order.

6. How does the value of rate constant vary with reactant concentration?

7. A substance with initial concentration ‘a’ follows zero order kinetics with the rate constant ‘k’ mol L-1s-1. In how much time will the reaction go to completion?

8. The rate law for the decomposition of N2O5 is : rate=k[N2O5]. What is the significance of `k` in this equation?

9. The reaction of 2H2(g)+O2(g) à 2H2O(l) is thermodynamically feasible. How is it that a mixture of Hydrogen and Oxygen kept at room temperature shows no tendency to form water?

10. Why is it that instantaneous rate of reaction does not change when a part of reacting solution is taken out?

11. For a reaction A+H2O à B { rate α [A]}.

What is it`s (1) molecularity

(2) order of reaction

12. Following graph is a plot of the rate of reaction vs. concentration of the treactant.

What is the order of the reaction?

13. What is the usefulness of initial rate method?

14. What is the difference between average rate and instantaneous rate of a chemical reaction?

15. The half life of reaction is 50 minutes. What will be the order of reaction if reaction goes to completion in 100minutes?

16. In the reaction A à B, if the concentration of A is plotted against time, the nature of the curve obtained will be as shown in the figure. What is the order of reaction?

17. For a hypothetical reaction A + 2B à C, it is found that the rate = k [A][B].

What is the most likely rate determining step?

18. 87.5% of the substance disintegrated in 45 minutes ( first order reaction). What is its

half life?

19. What is the shape of graph between log k vs. 1/T ?

What is the relation between its slope and activation energy (Ea)?


Answered by AzeemKhan786
In nuclear physics and nuclear chemistry, nuclear fission is either a nuclear reaction or a radioactive decay process in which the nucleus of an atom splits into smaller parts (lighter nuclei
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