Economy, asked by suummmmer, 1 month ago

1.    A recent study of the salaries of elementary school teachers in a small school district in Northern California came up with the following estimated equation (Note: t-scores in parentheses!):

lnSALi = 10.5 - 0.006EMPi + 0.002UNITSi + 0.079LANGi + 0.020EXPi ----------------(1)
                       ( -0.98)     (2.39)           (2.08)             (4.97)
 R2 = .866                           N = 25
where: SALi = the salary of the ith teacher (in dollars),  
EMPi = the years that the ith teacher has worked in this school district,  
UNITSi = the units of graduate work completed by the ith teacher,  
LANGi = a dummy variable equal to 1 if the ith teacher speaks two languages
EXPi = the total years of teaching experience of the ith teacher
a.    Make up and test appropriate hypotheses for the coefficients of this equation at the 5-percent level.
b.    What is the functional form of this equation? Does it seem appropriate? Explain.
c.     What econometric problems (out of irrelevant variables, omitted variables, and multicollinearity) does this equation appear to have? Explain.
d.    Suppose that you now are told that the simple correlation coefficient between EMP and EXP is .89 and that the VIFs for EMP and EXP are both just barely over 5. Does this change your answer to part c above? How?
e.    What remedy for the problem you identify in part d do you recommend? Explain.
f.     If you drop EMP from the equation, the estimated equation becomes Equation 2. Use our four specification criteria to decide whether you prefer Equation 1 or Equation 2. Which do you like better? Why?

lnSALi = 10.5 + 0.002UNITSi + 0.081LANGi + 0.015EXPi -----------------(2)
(2.47) (2.09)     (8.65)
 R2 = .871                                  N = 25​


Answered by paalrachna


I don't know about the answer


I don't know about the answer next time I will give you answer next time I will give you answer

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