English, asked by anumunk, 3 months ago

1 a slap on the wrist
2 acid test
3 nickel and dime
4 the best of both worlds
5 a night owl
give the meaning of the above idioms and use them in sentences​


Answered by ramasha282

1) Idiom- A mild reprimand or punishment.

Sentence - He should be in jail for what he did, but he got off with just a slap on the wrist.

2) Idiom - A situation the provides definitive proof of whether something is true or false.

Sentence - He played well in the last match, but the acid test will come when the team plays the stronger opponents.

3) Idiom - To damage someone.

Sentence - If we nickel-and-dime the problem now, we'll regret it later.

4) Idiom - The benefits of widely differing situations, enjoyed at the same time.

Sentence - If you decide to live here you get the greenery of the countryside and the amenities of urban life. Its the best of both worlds, really.

5) Idiom - A person who prefers to be awake late at night.

Sentence - Every time the exams started, I would become a night owl.


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