: 1. Alaska is the biggest American state in square miles : 2. Australia is wiider than the moon : 3. Madonna's real name is Madonna -
: 4. Alexander Fleming discovered Penicilli: 5. Harry Style's middle name is Edwar 6. Your Radius Bone is in your leg 7. Coffee is made from berries -
[: 8. The only letter not in the periodic table is in the letter J -9. The small intestine is about three and a half times length of your body -
10. A octopus has three hearts -
[: 11. Thomas Edison discovered gravity : 12. Walt Disney holds the record for the most Oscars -
13. Spaghetto is the singular word for a piece of Spaghetti -14. Venus is the hottest planet in the Solar system -15. Bananas are curved because they grow upwards towards the Sun -
[1 16. Hillary Clinton and Celine Dion are related -17. Queen Elizabeth II is currently the second longest reigning British Monarch -
[: 18. K is worth four points in Scrabble 19. M & M stands for Mars and Moordale -
[20. Cardi B's real name is Cardigan Backyardigan -
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hi mate
thanks for your information
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