English, asked by toufikjamal588, 6 months ago

1 Answer in 100-120 words.
a. The world of science has in its fold men who have made us proud with their great
learning and humane concerns. Justify the statement with reference to A Truly
Beautiful Mind.
b. Such is the greatness of a child's heart that it tries to understand, empathise and
forgive the very person who has once hurt it grievously. Do you agree? Answer
with reference to the text The Little Girl.
2. Answer in 40-50 words.
a. What role does the Grandmother play in the story The Little Girl
b. How does Ruskin Bond generate irony and humour through his description of Toto
as a pretty monkey'?
3. Answer in 20-30 words.
a. Which figure of speech is 'sad little pattern an example of, and what does it reveal
about Kezia's frame of mind?
b. How did Toto get even with Grandmother who had shouted at him for taking the
dish of pullao?​


Answered by subha9935


1.a) Albert Einstein is considered to be one of the greatest scientists geniuses of all time. He was highly gifted in mathematics. In 1915 he published his general theory of relativity with a new interpretation to gravity. His work was hailed as a scientific Revolution throughout the world. He received Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921. Besides being a great scientist was also a visionary. His concern for humanity can hardly be exaggerated. He cautioned the world about the massive destruction that an atom bomb can cause. He wrote a letter to the then American President, Roosevelt, in this regard. Hated Nazism and emigrated to US. He was deeply shaken by the extent of destruction caused by the atom bomb of 1945. He advocated for a world Government and agitated to put an end to the arms race. He used his popularity to campaign for peace and democracy. He dedicated the rest of the life to fight against his this enemy of humanity. Due to his tireless efforts to serve humanity and his humane concern for the world at large is considered both a visionary and the world citizen.

b) Children take time to understand the actions of their elders. Till then, they tend to develop a negative opinion and sometimes even distrust. However, as kids grow older, their attitude towards their elders undergoes change. This story is based on this process of change that makes little children notice the soft and caring heart of their strict elders. Kezia was a sensitive little girl who used to be afraid of a father because of his rude and harsh behaviour. He never interacted with the girl tenderly and affectionately. One night Kezia's mother was taken to the hospital by her grandmother and Kezia was left in the house alone with her father. She had a nightmare which made her too terrified. She was crying out of fear. When she woke up she found her father beside her bed with a candle in his hand. He asked her what the matter was. When she came to know about her nightmare, he blew out the candle. He bent down and carried up the child in his arms to his big bedroom. He laid her on the bed and pulled the covers up around her. Apart from this he lay down beside her. After some time ,still half asleep, she crept close to him, snuggled her head under his arm and held tightly to his shirt. Now she felt comfortable. Her father told her to rub her feet against his and get them warm. Now Kedia realised that her father was not as harsh as she had thought. She realised that her father had to work all day long and got so tired that he could not play with her. Even he had a kind and loving heart. But for the circumstances, he could not express it. Kezia realised that her father was a very good person at heart.


a) Kezia's grandmother acts as a unifying bond within the family. She initiates a reconciliatory attempt to bridge the gap between Kezia and her father. She advises Kezia to talk to her parents when they would be relaxing in the drawing-room on Sunday afternoons. Again, she tells Kezia about Father’s birthday and suggests that she should make a pin-cushion for him as a present. When Father beats Kezia, it is a grandmother who consoles and comforts her by covering her with her shawl and allowing the child to cling to her soft body. She also acts as the centre of affection and security for the little girl.

b) Toto has been described as a naughty monkey. Narrator has said that Toto's bright eyes sparkled with mischief beneath deep set eyebrows. Thus he has described Toto's keen and sharp eyes as looking for doing something mischievous. Pearly white teeth frequently breaking into a grin, dry hands looking as if they had been pickled in the sun for many days, quick and wickedly used fingers, and a long tail portray Toto as an ugly yet active and notorious monkey. Narrator, by addressing, Toto as a pretty monkey has generated irony and splitting laughter.

3. A) ‘Sad little pattern’ ,is a transferred epithet. It reveals that she was extremely disheartened after the scolding from her father. She had actually tried to please her father by making a pin cushion for him as birthday gift but she tore the very important papers of her father. She tried to explain herself but no one paid any heed to her. So she was sad.

B) When Grandmother was startled and she screamed, Toto at once threw a plate at her in his defence. When Grandfather arrived, Toto escaped through the window with the dish of pullao. The family found him in the branches of a jackfruit tree with the dish in his arms. He stayed there all afternoon and slowly finished every grain of rice in the dish. In the end, he threw the dish and chattered with delight ,when it broke into a hundred pieces ,just to spite Grandmother who had screamed at him.

plz mark as brainiest

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