1. Answer the following value based questions:
(a) Imagine one of your classmates' best friend has
left the school and she/he feels very lonely and
sad. How would you help your classmate in this
try to be his / her best friend and support her in all her works
Supporting a Friend or Family Member with Anxiety
It is normal to feel anxious at times especially during times of stress. For example, most people experience feelings of anxiety before an important event such as a big exam, business presentation or first date. However, when anxiety is ongoing and interferes with one’s daily life and relationships it may be an anxiety disorder. Knowing the signs and symptoms can help you recognize if a friend or family member is experiencing anxiety. Here are some signs and symptoms of anxiety:
Cognitive / Emotional
Feeling like your mind is racing
Constant worrying about small or large concerns
Inability to “let things go” or repeatedly thinking about something
Feeling overwhelmed, stuck, or frozen
Difficulty concentrating or your mind "going blank"
Feeling keyed up or on edge