1. Apolo limited was registered with an authorised capital of 5000000 divided into equity shares of hundred each. the company offers for public subscription of all the shares .applications were received watch 45000 shares and allotment was made to all the applicants. all the calls were made and were duly received except the final call of 20 per share on 500 shares. prepare the balance sheet of a company showing different types of share capital
please give the correct answer..
Balance sheet
as on 31st mar. ......
particular note no. Current. previous
year. year
Equity & liabilities. rs
a) shareholders fund
(1) share capital. 1. 44,90,000
Notes to accounts:-
1. share capital amount (rs)
Authorised share capital
50000 shares of 100 each 50,00,000
issued share capital
50000 shares of 100 each. 50,00,000
Subscribed and fully paid up capital
44500 shares of 100 each. 44,50,000
subscribed but not fully paid up capital
500 shares of 100 each. 50000
(-) calls in arrear
500*20. ..... = 10000. 40000
total subscribed capital. 44,90,000