Hindi, asked by Anonymous, 3 months ago

1) अश्वत्थामा ने दुर्योधन के सामने क्या प्रतिज्ञा की और क्यों?
2) घटोत्कच कोन था? भीम को मूर्च्छित देखकर उसने क्या किया?

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Answered by gbarman74


उत्तर – मृत्यु की प्रतीक्षा करते हुए दुर्योधन के सामने अश्वत्थामा ने दृढ़तापूर्वक प्रतिज्ञा की कि वह आज ही रात में पांडवों को नष्ट करके रहेगा।

Answered by iniyavan82

Hope this helpz you mate !!!

1)Translation: What did Ashwatthama promise to Duryodhana and why?

Explanation: On the 10th day of the war, after Bhishma falls, Drona is named the supreme commander of the armies. He promises Duryodhana that he will capture Yudhishthira, but then he repeatedly fails to do so. Duryodhana taunts and insults him, which greatly angers Ashwatthama, causing friction between Ashwatthama and Duryodhana.

2)Translation:Who was Ghatotkacha? What did he do to see Bhima unconscious?

Explaination:Ghatotkacha is an important character in the Mahabharata. His name comes from the fact that his head was hairless (utkacha) and shaped like a ghatam. Ghatotkacha was the son of the Pandava Bhima and the demoness Hidimbi. 

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